You can now sponsor Silver Seeker on Youtube! This membership program (through Youtube) comes with some awesome added benefits!
Check out the information on membership below! There will be even more detail to come in the near future!
What is a Youtube Member?
Live Stream Membership is something that YouTube implemented for certain channels to allow them to let their viewers and fans show their support for the channel!. It allows a viewer to “sponsor” the channel through a monthly contribution! You can compare it to something like Patreon, except there are some awesome YouTube only benefits to being a member! Check out some of the awesome benefits below.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
As a new member of Silver Seeker’s YouTube Channel, you’ll enjoy these fantastic benefits:
- Green Name in Live Streams!
- Sponsor Badge next to your name in Live Streams!
- Access to Custom Emojis in Live Streams!
- No chat limitations in Live Streams!
- Ad-Block Absolution
- Access to Members-Only Community Tab posts on YouTube!
- Access to ALL Behind-the-Scenes Videos!
- Early Access to ALL Silver Seeker Videos!
- Access to the Members-Only Room in Discord!
- Free Shipping on Auction Items!
In addition, you can select a higher tier with even more Member benefits:
- Silver Seeker! ($4.99 per Month)
- Silver Recognition
- You will be recognized as a Silver Seeker at the end of my videos and on CRH LIVE Streams!
- Priority Comment Response
- Your comments will be prioritized first when reading and responding!
- Video Shout-outs
- Some videos will feature a pop-up recognizing my fantastic members! Silver and higher tier members can appear on that pop-up.
- Channel Sticker
- As a Silver Member, you can request that I mail you a channel sticker! Please email me to get yours.
- Silver Recognition
- Gold Seeker! ($9.99 per Month)
- Gold Member Seeker Card
- Hand-Signed Thank You Letter
- Gold Recognition
- You will be recognized as a Gold Seeker at the end of my videos and on CRH LIVE Streams!
- Gold Merch Discount
- Receive 20% off all merchandise at my Tee-Spring Merch Store! Be sure to ask for the code if you don’t have it.
- Private Email Address
- Gain access to a private email address exclusive to my Gold+ members! This ensures I see your email and respond promptly.
- Platinum Seeker! ($19.99 per Month)
- Platinum Thank You Pack
- Platinum Member Seeker Card
- Hand-Signed Thank You Letter
- Platinum Recognition
- You will be recognized as a Platinum Seeker at the end of my videos and on CRH LIVE Streams!
- Platinum Wall
- Your Channel Name listed on the Platinum Wall at the beginning of CRH LIVE Streams!
- Channel Influencer
- Get the opportunity to directly influence the direction of my channel, such as video ideas, stream changes, and more! Check the community tab for questions I will ask exclusively of Platinum Seekers regarding these topics.
- Coolstax Vault Discounts
- Receive access to discount codes for the Coolstax Vault Website! These can be used on most items in the Coolstax Store.
- Platinum Thank You Pack
- Palladium Seeker ($39.99 per Month)
- Palladium Seeker Shirt
- Receive an exclusive Palladium Seeker shirt!
- Palladium Discord
- Access to the Palladium+ Only Members Room in Discord, including a special voice room just for Palladium+ Members!
- Palladium Recognition
- One Palladium Member’s name will be highlighted prominently at the end of each new video!
- Coolstax Gift Certificates
- Bi-monthly, I will award my Palladium members with a Gift Certificate! These can be used in conjunction with any current discount codes that Platinum Members receive and are valid for 6 months.
- Important Note: Gift Certificates MUST be requested via email (silverseeker@coolstax.com). The schedule is as follows: January, March, May, July, September, November. I will try to post reminders on the YouTube community tab, but I can’t guarantee a 100% remembrance.
- Bi-monthly, I will award my Palladium members with a Gift Certificate! These can be used in conjunction with any current discount codes that Platinum Members receive and are valid for 6 months.
- Palladium Seeker Shirt
- EPIC Seeker ($99.99 per Month)
- Monthly One-on-One Phone Call
- You’ll receive a private phone number to set up a 30-minute chat each month to discuss anything!
- Important Note: Our conversation cannot be considered financial advice, and you must agree to hold Silver Seeker and Coolstax harmless and non-responsible for the use of any information in our discussion.
- You’ll receive a private phone number to set up a 30-minute chat each month to discuss anything!
- Custom Epic SILVER
- Every other month, receive a custom Laser-Engraved Silver Round or Bar, or a Hand-Poured Silver Piece, at Silver Seeker’s discretion.
- Important Note: Silver MUST be claimed via email (silverseeker@coolstax.com). The schedule is as follows: January, March, May, July, September, November. I will try to post reminders on the YouTube community tab, but I can’t guarantee a 100% remembrance.
- Every other month, receive a custom Laser-Engraved Silver Round or Bar, or a Hand-Poured Silver Piece, at Silver Seeker’s discretion.
- Monthly One-on-One Phone Call
How do I become a member?
It’s easy to become a member! Just click THIS LINK or click the Join Button next to the subscribe button on my page and videos!