- Version 2.0
- Download 16429
- File Size 114.83 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 16, 2022
- Last Updated April 24, 2023
Generic vs Premium Silver Calculator
This is the Excel Spreadsheet that I featured in my video Titled: "The Truth about Stacking Generic Silver vs Premium Silver Coins!" from 02/16/2022.
Here is the link to that video: https://youtu.be/aC3UuxE23Lw
This was also used in my Silver Rounds vs Silver Eagles video with a Huge Code Update:
Here is the link to that video: https://youtu.be/DOt5zJ120GE
The NEWEST Version of this Spreadsheet was used in my "Buying $10,000 in Silver from Coin Shops" video:
Here is the link to that one: https://youtu.be/DOt5zJ120GE
Please enjoy this free download!
Version 1.0: Original Version shown in Video.
Version 1.1: Updated Indicator Arrows to only display the Up/Green Arrow for the best option.
Version 2.0: Added a Percentage Calculator Spreadsheet and Fixed a DIV/0 Error when Spot@Buy is Empty.
--Silver Seeker